Match Interviews Web App

A smart and easy way
to manage
Fellowship and Residency Match Interviews

Optimized for virtual interviews

Match Interviews is an independent online service provider,
with no affiliation with any fellowship or residency match organization

Match Interviews Web App
... does not overlap with any match organization's system and service
... is a complementary software developed for helping program coordinators and directors

Why Use Match Interviews Web App

Some of the basic features

Designed by Users for Users

Our team of experts have coordinated many interviews over many years. We know all the ups and downs and what it takes to prepare for and coordinate a smooth interview day. We learned it in hard ways.

Easy to Generate Complex schedules

There are multiple components on the list; days, rooms, attendings, applicants, and more, which make generating the schedule fairly complex and not so easy to coordinate. Match Interviews Web App makes handling the task easy for you.

It's time to upgrade to the latest

With Match Interviews Web App the entire process is done online and is accessible from anywhere. No need for paperwork or printing anything. Well, you still have option to print if you would like.

to everyone's satisfaction

Our end goal is everyone's satisfaction, program coordinators (the most important as they are doing most of the work), attendings, assistants and applicants.

Our surveys show many programs still:

If you are doing any of these, Match Interviews Web App will upgrade your system dramatically

If you are doing more than one, Match Interviews Web App will revolutionize your system

Additional things to consider

You can save many

No Need to print applications

Save on cost and save papers and trees! We saved 10000 sheets of paper per program interview. And save the time you need to print, organize and distribute those documents.

You have all options

Smart and Flexible Scheduling function

There are many things that will change days before or during the interview day. With Match Interviews Web App you are able to update the schedule live without any interruption.

All electronic options

Everything is accessible from anywhere

You make everything; documents, schedule, session configurations, live update, and everything is accessible for everyone; director, coordinator, applicants, and everyone involved.        

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