You see the programs you have scheduled interview with, who use Match Interview Web App for their interviews. Select a program to log in.
You see the programs you have scheduled interview with, who use Match Interview Web App for their interviews. Click on each program to see your interviews schedule summary.
See message, information and document provided by the program.
You can either open or download the attached document.
Your scheduled interviews are showing on this page.
If you are having more than one interview session, use the drop-down menu to access.
Link to your Virtual Interview room,
Check with the program ahead of time for the video call service they are using.
It will become active (turns green) shortly before your interview time. Please follow the specific instructions provided by each program.
On Interview Day
- Click on Status and “Check In Now”
- The Video Call link becomes activated (Turns Green) when the status is changed to either “Called-In” or “Ready”
- Click on the link button and log into virtual meeting room, make sure your name is showing correctly
- You will initially be placed in Waiting Room, then Admitted to virtual interview room at the interview time
- See your live interview time on the schedule
- Leave the room promptly at the end of your interview session, help staying on time with the schedule
- Your interview status is updated live
- Use the chat option (with one of the coordinators) when you need
You will see live interviews progress during interviews time period.
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